The Technical Committee on Disaster Risk Management of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) and the Peruvian Engineers Association (CIP) are organizing this important event to be held on Friday 20 de enero, at 04:00am Lima time, Peru.

In order to promote an adequate perspective and approach the relationship between Risk Intelligence and Disaster Resilience, Dr. Junho Song will speak about these concepts and the possibilities of their application in different organizations of society.


Welcome Dr. José Macharé Ordoñez –President of the WFEO-CDRM, Peru




Dr. Valentina Putrino – Catastrophe Risk Analyst at Ariel Re. Leader of Working Group 4 – Capacity Building del WFEO-CDRM, United Kingdom


Case of study Frameworks and recent developments for disaster resilience and risk intelligence

Dr. Junho Song – Associate Director of the InfraSPHERE Education and Research Program

(linkear, Korea


Comments and questions


From experts and the general public
Closing José Macharé Ordoñez – President of the WFEO-CDRM, Peru



  Dr. Song has research studies in structural and systems reliability analysis, topology optimization/reliability-based design and decision making, risk analysis, reliability and resilience of urban communities and networks, earthquake engineering and random vibrations, and learning automatic/statistical for urban areas. Infrastructure systems under uncertainties. Dr. Song has presented the results of his research through 106 articles published in peer-reviewed archival journals. His technological innovations in the area of system reliability and optimization were recognized with awards including the IASSAR Research Award during the 10th ICOSSAR conference in 2009. Prof. Song has served as a member of the Probabilistic Methods Committee of the Engineering Division ASCE Mechanics, five international journal editorial boards (including Structural Safety and Reliability Engineering & System Safety), the International Association for Structural Reliability and Safety subcommittee SC3, the Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS), and the Board of Directors of the International Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association (CERRA). Dr. Song is currently the Chair of CERRA (2019-present) and the Chair of IFIP Working Group 7.5 on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems (2016-present).


  Dr. Putrino is currently a Catastrophe Risk Analyst at Ariel Re. She obtained her PhD from University College London (UCL), focusing on developing a framework for multi-hazard assessment of historic stonework structures. She has gained experience in the field of seismic risk assessment by participating in many field investigations within research and consulting projects in Italy, Ecuador, and the Philippines. In 2016 she participated in the EEFIT mission to Central Italy and subsequently won the 2017 EEFIT Research Award for continuing her research on the cumulative damage to the historic urban fabric of Norcia (Italy). She currently holds the position of Vice Chair of the EEFIT Committee, is the SECED Representative for the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) – Committee on Disaster Risk Management (CDRM), and is also the designated liaison member between both SECED and EEFIT committees.